Monday, October 11, 2021

New Website Coming Soon!

 Hi, everyone and Happy Belated Thanksgiving. It’s been awhile, again, but I got some news to share. 

After getting some comparison research done, I’ve narrowed down where I would like to host my new website soon.  I plan to have 2 websites overall, 1 showcase site and 1 story site (for possible upcoming project) but I’ll be getting my showcase site up and going first.  Within the remaining part of this year or early next year the latest, I’ll be moving my whole domain over to the new site.  

What that’ll means for the old content here?  I’ll be removing some of the older works that not part of my usual stylings of drawing and painting anymore.  Either for being ineffectual in their deliveries of the concept and too tedious to repeat for many different works.  Frankly, some genres need to be beefed up somewhat however once I have a starting amount of my works ready, I’ll be uploading them online.  For now, it’s mostly will be short works: emojis, spot icons, single pieces and gradually more longer, grander works will be uploaded.

For a good while now, I’ve been busy with putting some things in the past. Old things to donate/toss, scrap materials to use up and including changing old habits (the last one is always a work-in-progress).  I’ve learnt it’s okay to NOT get everything ALL DONE in one day or one week as everything in life is like a routine. With many things on people’s plates or to-do lists, even a bucket list, the most you can do is set aside a small amount of time for each item to make a bit of progress on them or deal with some things on only certain days so there’s more equitable time to work on them.  I’m ready to move onto building my future rather just clearing out my past, but there’s still plenty of things and relationships of people I want to keep maintaining as I go forward.  I hope that a lot of you had been given that chance over this pandemic and are probably feeling the same way about refocusing your goals and aims in the near future too.

So, that’s it for now.  When I get the roughs ready, I’ll showcase what I generally plan for my new website is to look as final.  Fairly soon, hopefully.  

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