I can fairly confidently say that I am back to making regular posts. At least as long as I can build back up my content buffer. I'm not going to be slowly down though; once I get caught up with what got neglected while I was on the mural project, I got to get on with some essential matters in my life. Finding more sustainable employment for starters, even if it's with a temp agency in Scarborough.
Don't get me wrong; I'm fine with taking on jobs from Fiverr, but I rather be doing short works on there over 2-3 week projects for a measly flat rate. I'm going to modify my Fiverr gigs to better suit my work style along with adding any possible gigs that's not very time-consuming to the point that I'm stuck neglecting other important things in my life. Don't want to work myself sick when it isn't necessary.
I am considering selling stock images (despite being told I shouldn't in art university OCADU), assets, prints, anything that could bring more income for living expenses. I've seen some sites to help with that, I just have to dig up any past work or create new ones to market them.