I would've appear to be almost invisible when it comes to having a presence in the world wide web (with the exception of some social and job board sites). I'd became distant from working regularly on my blog and gallery sites; mind you that I'm still working away on outstanding projects but not much progress gets done. Sometimes, it seems that I had placed too much on my platter and just bouncing between my projects and other necessities while not making any real headway. Basically, a lot of project clutter. I'm fixing a lot of things in my life that needs to change.
I'm deciding to designate my tasks to certain days of the week. I want to clear off more things faster so I can work more for the future rather than dealing with backlogs. However, there's a routine that I'm going to do each day that afterwards I'll then commit my remaining time to that project for the day. Working with my online presence is going to become part of that routine as I want to build my rep and credibility (especially since I can't afford to print out stacks of postcard promos right now, even though I've switched bank accounts to save my money more recently). When you want to be something or someone different, you have to start acting it and showing it.
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